Fearless Fastpitch Blog

Dear Warrior - She Will Never Give Up On You

Dear Warrior - She Will Never Give Up On You
  Dear Warrior, Sometimes you will pop up to the catcher. Sometimes you will strike out looking. Sometimes you will make an error that isn’t repre...

Dear Warrior - Stay the Course

Dear Warrior - Stay the Course
  Dear Warrior,   Life has an interesting way of teaching you the most impactful lessons through setbacks. Whether we’re competing with a teammate...

Dear Warrior - Own Your Journey

Dear Warrior - Own Your Journey
Dear Warrior,   When it’s all said and done, your softball journey will be nothing short of an adventure. I hope that as you play this game, you e...

Dear Warrior - Run Your Race

Dear Warrior - Run Your Race
  Dear Warrior, You are exactly where you are supposed to be! Even after three years of playing college softball, I still have to remind myself of...

Dear Warrior - Give Your Whole Heart

Dear Warrior - Give Your Whole Heart
    Dear Warrior,  You chose to play the greatest game in the world. Hold it in your hands delicately. You may not know it yet, but the way you li...

Dear Warrior - You're Never Alone

Dear Warrior - You're Never Alone
  Dear Warrior,  Growing up, I was known as the hustler and the go-getter. You might be too... I wore that "title" like a badge of honor througho...

Dear Warrior - The Game Never Changes

Dear Warrior - The Game Never Changes
  Dear Warrior,  For the longest time, I have used the game of softball as my escape from reality. It taught me how to be in the moment, something...

Dear Warrior - Keep Moving Forward

Dear Warrior - Keep Moving Forward
Dear Warrior, When you practice the same sport every day, sometimes it can feel like running in place. The skills you have today aren’t going to ...

Dear Warrior - You Have the Power

Dear Warrior - You Have the Power
  Dear Warrior, When a coach, parent, or another player asks you what you want to improve on, what is your response?  Is it something like, “I wan...

Dear Warrior - You Will Always Be Enough

Dear Warrior - You Will Always Be Enough
  Dear Warrior, To be completely honest, I’ve never been a huge fan of New Years. Until recently though, I never really knew why I disliked the ho...

Dear Warrior - Your Fears Don't Have to Keep You Stuck

Dear Warrior - Your Fears Don't Have to Keep You Stuck
"We have a fear of failure not for the failure itself, but the fear of what others think about our failures."   Dear Warrior, I don’t know why ...

Be the Change - 3 Ways to End the Drama

Be the Change
If you have found yourself amidst a competitive landscape that we all know surrounds our softball community, you’ve probably faced your fair share of drama. Conflict, anger, fear, betrayal, disappointment, miscommunication are part of being human. We’ve all faced these challenges as adults, so what are we doing to promote a healthy environment for our daughters?